Office Worker Health

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Benefits of Online Health and Wellness Programs

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One of the great advantages of the digital age is the access you can get to people and resources all around the globe. The World Wide Web has changed our lives forever and opened up so many new possibilities in how we work and communicate. It really is an incredibly exciting time as all of these options are opening up to us.  You can now enlist the services of people or programs in different countries around the world to do a job or provide a service for you. Online health and wellness programs are a perfect example of this; I can sign up for a clean eating meal plan offered by a nutritionist in Melbourne; I can get workout routines, a fitness program and an exercise schedule from a personal trainer in New York. I can sign up to a 30 day detox challenge organised by a health coach in London. The possibilities are endless.

It is still however a relatively new concept for many people to look for help or guidance from someone who may live in another country, time zone and culture. By opening up to the potential of working with others in different locations, we in turn open ourselves and our minds to the growth opportunities that come with and through this. The fact is that online programs are proliferating as more and more people understand that this mode of personal development has indeed got its own inherent comparative advantages over the traditional face to face model.

Online health and wellness programs are designed to guide and motivate people to make healthy lifestyle and behaviour changes in areas such as weight loss, increasing physical activity, managing stress and mental health, eating a healthier diet, building lean muscle etc. By addressing the range of physical, emotional, and environmental factors that influence people’s behaviour, online health and wellness programs can be tailored to an individual’s specific needs and challenges, and can result in measurable, goal oriented outcomes.

Here’s a look at 6 advantages of an online health and wellness progam:


Many people have questions or concerns about their health and wellness, however they feel uncomfortable raising these in face to face situations; even though they are probably dealing with a professional. Approaching a fitness coach, nutritionist or life coach with personal questions isn’t always the easiest thing to do. People can be cautious and guarded when they enlist the help of a local professional. With an online program, you have the anonymity of your computer or smart phone to ask any questions you may have, be it through Skype, Facebook chat or a simple email.


If you struggle to find time for your health and wellness due to your busy routine then an online program may suit your needs better than traditional approaches. Depending on the program, you can control when you complete the program tasks based around your existing schedule. There is no need to worry about making and keeping appointments. Generally, it’s the direction, education and guidance that comes from the program, the execution is what you need to take care of.


Once you decide to seek out any type of service online you automatically increase your opportunities as regards to choice. There are thousands of online programs around the world in multitudes of disciplines from weight loss challenges to mindfulness and mental health courses. This means that you can take the time to research and find the right program or fit for you. Many online programs offer free content in some shape or form, so it gives you a fantastic opportunity to see what they are all about. Are they offering quality? Do they have authority? Can you trust them? You can then shortlist the programs you think might work best for you before making a final decision.


The beauty with many of these programs is that you can usually complete the designated tasks from the comfort of your own home. With an online fitness challenge for example, you’ll often find bodyweight only workout routines being promoted. You can complete these exercises anywhere; your living room, your back garden or even a hotel room if you are travelling. This removes the need for you to venture to the gym, the idea of which can be off putting in itself if you have a busy schedule. That’s a convenience online programs offer that your local health club just can’t compete with.


Online health and wellness programs are much more likely to be easier on the pocket than their face to face equivalents. With personally delivered face to face programs or courses you are paying directly for that person’s time. With an online course, a lot of the services can be automated plus all parties can interact from whatever location they choose. Also, there are no commuting costs and usually any required course materials are either included in the price of the course or are available for free online. In the long term, implementing your learnings from health and wellbeing programs can result in reduced healthcare costs.


Some people are shy and can be reluctant to speak up in face to face situations with a coach or in a group setting.  Online programs often provide private Facebook groups that offer shy or more reticent individuals the opportunity to participate in group discussions or chats with more ease than face to face sessions. Depending on the program, you'll probably have the opportunity to engage with people from other countries; you’ll progress through the program alongside fellow members spanning a range of ages, cultures, professional backgrounds, and life experiences, enriching your own development in unexpected ways. This sense of connection and community is truly at the heart of online communities.

Thanks for checking out the blog! If you're interested in learning more about current online health and wellness programs then click here.

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Yours in health,
